Friday, February 08, 2008

Spring Festival Banquet, 2008

We had our family's traditional Chinese Spring Festival Banquet on February 8th 2008. We invited Lawrence's and Tilley's to join us for the celebration. I think all of us enjoyed the time together.

共六菜一汤, 很丰盛了! 菜式如下: 烤鲢鱼; 西红柿炒鸡蛋; 醋熘土豆丝; 香肠炒芦笋; 宫保鸡丁; 葱爆大虾; 豆腐香菇肉片浓汤; 白米饭.
We had six courses for the dinner, they are delicious and authentic Chinese taste. The menu is here: SiChuan-style Baked Tilapia; Fried Eggs with Tomatoes; Sliced Potato Fried with Vinegar; Fried Sausage with Asparagus; Gong Bao Chicken; Fried Shrimp with Scallion; Thick Soup with Mix of Toufu, Mushroom and Pork; Steamed Rice.

Taiwan Lemon Wafer and Strawberry Wafer used for the dessert.

Adults' table. We had Sparkling Peach Juice from Spain for drink with glass cups.

Kids' table. They had paper cups.

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